Article voiceover
This one is simple, without much meter and with an end rhyme. I’m not sure this is the right place to distribute this, but I hope it feels nice in your ears, easy on your eyes, and warm in your heart.
clean as a whistle hopeful as a dove flight in the mind breadth in one’s love ethics matching morals eyes matching view resting in nature values in action do avoiding harsh harm connecting with benefit training this mind on the path’s middle to sit dawn on the moment absorb each sun ray feel what flows inside let freedom stay such ease is a gift free rain from the sky shared evenly amongst all awareness doesn’t die it pervades all space as water does the sea may all beings awaken to each other’s constancy reliable not in the daily grind nor trustworthy to always be kind but fully alive chasing the dream all of us do want relief from tightening inner steam freedom from cycling from repetitive strife habits of becoming in a trunk splinters rife anchors that hold also do drown pull us breathlessly further deep down moments of joy compassionate care even-ness seen and kindness shared these four are the end as well as the means fruit on the road pick them up like beans may we all rest and refresh wind in the willows love in the chest rising up to match our minds care as our guide to seek what we find thank you ocean waves cresting playing as wisdom nature’s kind resting
:freedom from cycling
from repetitive strife
habits of becoming
in a trunk splinters rife'
Oh that freedom is lovely
life giving river of words received - thank you 🙏